Important equations:
Clock period >= Setup time + Hold time
Tclk,min > Tcq1+Tcomb+Tsu2
Thold < Tcq,min + Tcomb,min
For any circuit, to find out max frequency of the circuit:
Min clock period = max (F2F delay, Clock_to_out_delay, Pin_to_pin delay)
F2F dealy: Find out all possible F2F delay and choose worst one out of them.
CK_to_OUT: Find out all possible Clock to Output pin delays and choose worst one out of them.
pin_to_pin: Find out all possible pin to pin delays and choose worst one out of them (i.e., in_to_out, or other combinational pin to pin delays in the circuit)
Few points on clock frequency:
Individual FF characteristics Tsu, Th, Tcq are independent of clock frequency and only dependent on device sizes and technology.
Frequency affects path delays (can be critical paths) and setup & hold slacks but not individual cell delays.